If you read one of my other blogs, Our World = Rocked, then you know that I've had our baby. Deacon Josiah was born October 26, 2010, so we've had him for almost 12 weeks now! Hard to believe. Since he's been here, he's become my favorite photography subject.
No surprise there. :)
We take photos of him almost every single day. It's ridiculous, really, but I can't help myself. He's so.dang.cute. And he's changing so fast daily, we don't want to miss anything!
Since I do have the other blog, devoted solely to him, I just wanted to post a couple a bunch of photos that I've taken of him that I consider "artistic":
Okay, I can't take credit for this awesome photo (obviously since I'm in it :) but I wanted to post it anyway because it's just...it totally depicts... well, it makes me cry. Every time. This was probably one of the very first moments that I got to spend with my son and it was captured by our doula and good friend, Kelley.
Love me some baby feet! 1 month old
This is probably one of my all-time fave photos, so far.
4 weeks old
Love how our Christmas tree looks in the background.
And his precious profile. :)
7 weeks old
Aw. 8 weeks old
My little guy in jeans. Love it. And I love how his...um, crotch
makes a heart. Well, it does! Just look...
9 weeks old
You gotta love little baby body parts. :) 9.5 weeks old
He's not a huge fan of tummy time,
but he did good on this day...
9.5 weeks old
What did I tell you about baby feet? *muah* 10 weeks old
Oh, hi. 10 weeks old